I recently saw a Facebook post written by an older woman minister in my tradition. For decades she was on the "safe list," meaning it was OK to have her preach because she did not challenge the patriarchy. (Every tradition has "the list.")
I remember her reminding us women that our first duty was to our home and husbands. She illustrated by saying that before she left home to preach a revival she made sure all her husband's shirts were ironed and meals were cooked and frozen. No wonder the guys loved her!
Now in her 70's, this precious woman is doing some soul searching. She grieves over the loss of women's leadership skills to our denomination. She knows God is raising up a generation of women who are not willing to play it safe as she did. She is challenging the system.
If you haven't noticed, older women are "acting up" these days. It is getting harder for conservative churches to find "safe women" speakers: black women who won't mention racism, older women who will keep the younger women in line. Women who are willing to ignore abuse.
Beth Moore is now in the "unsafe category." Our time reminds me of the late 1800s & early 1900s when women acted out a lot- because the calling of God was more important than acceptance. I come by it naturally. My great- grandmother was thrown out of the Methodist church.
Her portrait hung over doors leading into the church sanctuary. Every Sunday I would walk under her gaze. Looking up at her I was somewhat intimidated. But, now I realize she was an icon of resistance. In these days of the birth pangs of the New Creation, God is sifting & shaking
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