Dear, @XboxP3 @CatamyKX @majornelson @aarongreenberg and @xbox Please bring greater focus on Xbox Avatars next gen! They’ve felt non existent this gen and we’re a big part of what made the Xbox 360 so enjoyable and successful. I talk more about this below. Please read 👇
The UI for the avatar library used to be much more sleek and easier to access. I think it would be great to have a updated and similar design to the 360 avatar store. Seeing your avatar and quickly browsing through a catalogue of items from our favorite games was awesome!
Avatars stopped appearing on the dashboard once the Xbox One launched with the new UI. Seeing our avatars on the dashboard again isn’t a necessary feature compared to the above, but would be greatly appreciated as we can always see them and admire the looks we gave them.
Lastly, although I don’t know if this is possible anymore, i’d think it would be cool if developers had the ability to make indie games with our avatars again. We have fantastic avatar indie games during the 360 generation such as Castleminer Z, Doritos Crash Course, etc.
All in all, I believe next gen with the Xbox Series X and S, avatars having a bigger focus and sleeker UI for customization and item shopping just as the 360 did, would be great for the Xbox brand.
You can follow @JoshsHaloMemes3.
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