I've been wondering what planets/placements would have an affect on how men treat you in love? For instance, I have had at least 5 guys who have traveled long distances just to spend a couple hours with me or even like less than that. The duration of the visits always change.
Ranges from 30 mins to about 2 days or so. And mind you, I have NEVER explicitly asked/forced any of them to come see me, or even ask for any of the other things I got or we did. So I have a cancer moon, pisces venus and my mercury is in aries. My merc is conjuct my venus
Mercury (11H) Venus (10H). My 9H which is travel I believe, has Jupiter and Uranus. Having Jupiter in the house of travel and being conjuct Uranus I believe brings me luck in those relationships. I'm not really too sure how my pisces venus plays into effect here but there's-
Something that I'm missing here. I dont have any aspects between my venus or Jup. So I'm a bit confused trying to put this together. I'm trying to figure out my missing piece here. I'm not sure if I'm forgetting to take into account another house, planet, or aspect here or not...
I'm gonna have to come back to this thread soon. Or just quit playing and sign up for @iJaadee patreon today. I'm the type that really has to have all the info I can so this is kinda driving me crazy 😭
Learning astro really requires some patience on my end
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