Another Souls game is dropping soon so like clockwork we get folks asking for an easy mode in the most extreme example of the genre while lumping accessibility into the same conversation. Dying repeatedly is part of the core gameplay. It is not meant to appeal to everyone.
If you wanna talk accessibility, theres things to address. More button layouts, more distinct visual or audio queues could help. Something I know FromSoft addressed with Sekiro after people with colorblindness reported issues. More straight forward tutorials wouldn't hurt either.
There are things in place that allow you to level out the difficulty built into the game. They just aren't going to be the most convenient options. And that is a gameplay decision that I think is clearly in line with the philosophy of all of the games.
And then if that still doesn't work for you, you can invite your friends or A.I. to join the boss fights with you! Jolly cooperation we call it. So c'mon man. Just say u wanna feel like a bad ass without learning the core game mechanics. I see it in fighting games all the time.
Anytime this is mentioned, people think its a "get gud" thing when alot of folks jus want you to have some of the experience that made them love the series. Those long elevator rides after getting crushed over and over are there for a reason. The games are not trying to be cruel.
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