There is so much to break down in this thread:

1. People want polarization, don't let the complaints about it took you

2. No one cares how they are governed or what policies they have, they want a tribal leader who encompasses their bias

3. Liking the speaker >truth of speaker
4. Anyone calling redpill an ideology, look in here and ask yourself if anyone can develop better sexual strategy in that emotional pit of anger.

5. Not a single person could talk about their own interests, always an appeal to some noble rulebook no one else has
6. They see this like you see the trump Russia thing.

7. Name one person who changed their vote because of a laptop

8. Name one person who hated trump who believed in the laptop story

9. Why get mad at me? At least I'm honest in that none of this affects me
10. Who actually thinks China hasn't already bought international organizations, global manufacturing, anyone in politics etc. Why is "this" one different than all the others?

11. Why is everyone listening to anti globalist Brits like Sargon saying "our president"? The irony
12. That this event elicited an emotional reaction shows why democracy is not meant for the masses.

13. that most reactions to this will he "this guys is a Canuck and doesn't know whats up" is telling. I don't care about politics, I'm talking about you.

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