It’s time for my #10Queries for #RevPit !!
I used some abbreviations because tweets are short and I’m wordy.
Let me know if anything is unclear!
A = adult
YA = young adult
MC = main character
For almost all my #10Queries I have 2 tweets for each.
One tweet focusing on the query, and one focusing on the first 5 pages
Q1 YA Sci-fi. Intriguing idea & worldbuilding in query, but heavy on backstory/setup/who story is about, too little info on *what* the story is going to be about.
They’re going to face a big bad, but no idea what or who the big bad is. #RevPit #10Queries
Q1 Writing clean and imagery is fantastic in the sample pages. World building intriguing.
Chosen tense has led to some issues sneaking in at times. #RevPit #10Queries
Q2 Setting established well, good imagery, and writing clean in sample pages.
Some formatting issues that do distract the eye a little. #RevPit #10Queries
Q3 Adult Fantasy. Make sure you use all available space & add all relevant details.
Lay it all out clearly in query. Greeting and then a paragraph for the hook and description of book, one for plot, one for author bio, then sign off.
#RevPit #10Queries
Q3 Enjoyed sample pages!
Good imagery and was pulled in by the story. Could maybe add in some details/world building to clarify setting is not our world and so it’s more clearly a fantasy.
#RevPit #10Queries
Q4 Adult Suspense.
Readers need to be intrigued by your main character & be able to relate to them.
Also, the big bad is not 100% clear.
Blurbs should be spoiler free, but queries should reveal a little more & make it clear what book is about.
#RevPit #10Queries
Q4 Main characters can be antiheroes & eccentric & difficult, but remember we need that all important pet-the-dog moment that shows readers some vulnerability/something to relate to & like.
#RevPit #10Queries
Q5 YA Fantasy. Word count might be a little high for YA. There’s a line in query that makes it sound like there are strong romantic elements, that romance would play pivotal part in plot, but it’s not clear/mentioned anywhere else. #RevPit #10Queries
Q5 Formatting in sample pages a bit off. Follow standard formatting instead of adding extra paragraph breaks between paragraphs.
Also, white space is a useful technique, but overusing it & splitting paragraphs unnecessarily makes it lose its effectiveness.
#RevPit #10Queries
Q6 A Fantasy. The part of the query describing the book feels a little wordy, especially going into a lot of detail about the main character. Could be tightened a bit.
#RevPit #10Queries
Q6 Not sure we’re starting in the right place.
Pace bit slow & intro’ing quite a few people.
Should start as close to the inciting incident as possible. #RevPit #10Queries
Q7 Query seems like it might be a bit heavy on setup & backstory & perhaps lacking details of what’s going to happen in book.
Also, there are quite a few long lines in succession. As with narrative, try to vary sentence length to improve flow.
#RevPit #10Queries
Q7 World building is intriguing in the sample pages, but I am left with a lot of questions & hope there are more world building details/explanations in coming pages before readers start to feel a little lost. #RevPit #10Queries
Q8 YA Query gives a good idea of author voice and tone. Bio suggest author has good grasp on aspects of plot.
One phrase suggests plot goes a way I’m not sure the story does…so I’m confused. Make sure everything in query is clear & relevant
#RevPit #10Queries
Q8 Voice is good, writing clean, MC engaging. Watch u don’t intro too many people right at the beginning. It can be difficult for a reader to follow, like walking into a room & being told everyone’s name right off. Confusing & difficult to remember #RevPit #10Queries
Q9 Adult Fantasy. Since world building looks like it’s going to be a big aspect of book, suggest little bit more info/details about the setting/world building.
#RevPit #10Queries
Q9 Feel like I’m missing something.
Feels like this is a continuation of something or that we don’t have enough details about world building & what happened to get us to page 1.
I usually never say need more backstory, but I’m bit lost with current beginning
#RevPit #10Queries
Q10 YA Spec fic. The voice in query feels heavier than the sample pages with lots of long lines.
Try to get some of the snappier voice from the sample into the query letter.
Word count might be bit on heavy side for genre…
Argh! Was almost perfect at adding tags!
Redoing this 1
Q10 YA Spec fic. Query feels heavier than sample pages with lots of long lines.
Try to get some of the snappier voice from sample into the query letter.
Word count might be bit on heavy side for genre…
#RevPit #10Queries
Q10 Loved the sample. Voice relatable and imagery really good.
Need to seriously consider whether need the prologue.
#RevPit #10Queries
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