2/ First, let's talk about the strengths of this study:

➡️ They measured aerosols, not just droplets
➡️ They tested both a masked and unmasked "patient"

That's about it

3/ But here's why you should take this study with more salt than even airplane food has:

➡️ The "patient" was a mannequin
➡️ ONLY the patient moved through the cabin
➡️ Every other "passenger" was assumed to wear masks at all times
➡️ ... and also to face forward at all times
4/ But wait, there's more

➡️ The other passengers didn't talk to each other
➡️ There was no meal service
➡️ Nobody besides the "patient" left their seats

Despite all that, there was STILL a risk of infection...and here's the key:
5/5 The risk of infection was highest WHEN YOU SAT NEXT TO THE INFECTED PATIENT.

So, basically, this study shows that...despite everything...

⛔️Flying planes full during a pandemic makes people sick. Even an industry-funded own study shows this!

#ItsStillAPandemic #COVID19
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