The thing is, thin people fit. As a fat person I never know if the place I'm going will have a chair/seat that fits me. Furniture is not built to support my weight. Plus size clothes cost more and harder to find. Anti fat bias creates barriers, from friendships to employment.
When you're food insecure and fat, no one believes you and it's harder to get support. Fat people get lesser quality healthcare because our ailments are often all attributed to our weight without any further inquiry. When you're suicidal and fat you get told to lose weight
so that you'll hate yourself less. Rather than being told you don't have to hate your body just because your society does.

When fat people lose weight, it's celebrated as their highest accomplishment, no matter what caused that weight loss or if they even wanted it.
Fat people get blamed for everything. As a current example, it's sadly common to find people blaming fat people for the spread of the coronavirus.

Fat people are told we aren't desirable or lovable (which are lies, by the way). No matter how hard we work, we're told we're
lazy. And of course there is the constant pressure to diet and engage in all manner of extreme excercise regimes - because our personhood is not good enough for a lot of people unless we break ourselves to try to fit their mold.

It's like nothing we do will ever be enough.

To be clear, body shaming of any kind is harmful. People of all sizes face bullying and harassment for the way they look. It's never okay to put down someone's appearance. Not ever.
But fat people encounter barriers that literally kill us. And we need to talk about that more. 6/6
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