Much of what is called ‘trauma bonding’ is the failure of friends, family, society & professionals to hold perpetrators accountable. (Thread)
We are taught by society abuse is normal, then we are abused & professionals deem us ‘trauma bonded’ trauma when we don’t ‘leave’ or ‘return’ when they didn’t ask the necessary questions to understand the economic, legal, familial pressures & lateral violence we face.
We become aware that if we divorce our perpetrator there is a high chance a court will deem us lying about abuse & hand our children to our abuser. We face GAL’s that question our evidence, court appointed MH professionals with no training on DA CC who hand us over to our abusers
Go ahead and keep providing services that don’t work or that are demeaning to us, drag us through hoop after hoop to jump through while our abusers play you like a fiddle. You focus on us, not the behaviors of our perpetrators & it is literally killing us & our kids
Call us trauma bonded if we don’t have the $ or ability to fight that system & some of us return to an abuser bc at least we can step between him & our kids if we are there. Fix yourselves & let’s see how many of us are really trauma bonded and how many were failed by YOU.
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