A few months ago we commissioned the first in-depth analysis of proposals for a UK wealth tax in nearly half a century…

TODAY we can release what we learned so far!

Read the papers on our website: http://www.ukwealth.tax 

Summary follows...
Over 50 contributors from 10+ countries, academics practitioners and policymakers, all aspects of a wealth tax covered…

Is it a good idea in principle, and would it work in practice?

Papers are now live and available for anyone to read. Check out the abstracts below! 🤓
The evidence papers published today provide the largest repository of evidence on wealth taxes globally to date🌍

Our final report will be launched on WEDNESDAY 9TH DECEMBER!

You’ll be able to watch the launch event online here: https://www.lse.ac.uk/Events/2020/12/202012091000/tax
Many thanks to all of our contributions who worked so hard to deliver this in less than six months!

And extra special thanks to fellow Commissioners @arunadvaniecon and Emma Chamberlain for making this happen!

You can see the whole team here: https://www.ukwealth.tax/the-team 
What are the economic principles of a wealth tax? https://www.wealthandpolicy.com/wp/103.html 

@HelenMiller_IFS @TheIFS
Why not just reform existing taxes on wealth? https://www.wealthandpolicy.com/wp/104.html 

This one is by me!
Why did other wealth taxes fail and is this time different? https://www.wealthandpolicy.com/wp/106.html 

What about a one-off wealth tax to pay for Covid? https://www.wealthandpolicy.com/wp/107.html 
Who should pay the tax, and on which assets? https://www.wealthandpolicy.com/wp/108.html 
What about people who are asset-rich but cash-poor? https://www.wealthandpolicy.com/wp/110.html 

How would a wealth tax be administered, collected and enforced? https://www.wealthandpolicy.com/wp/111.html 

@edwardtroup @BurgesSalmon
How would government actually deliver a wealth tax? https://www.wealthandpolicy.com/wp/112.html 

@tompope0 @gemmatetlow @instituteforgov
How do (or did) wealth taxes work in other countries? https://www.wealthandpolicy.com/index.html 
Can you tell me how you would value [insert problematic asset type here!]? https://www.wealthandpolicy.com/index.html 
...And even more background papers on other important and fascinating topics! https://www.wealthandpolicy.com/index.html 

@ianmulheirn @r_guerrerof @_LouiseRP @OpenOwnership
You can follow @Summers_AD.
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