I think I was a great target for left indoctrination. I actually experienced a lot of racism and violence as a child. My siblings are black and Hispanic, while I’m Native, and I did grow up around a lot of white supremacy. The KKK was very active in my county. 1/
I think that’s why I was able to buy into the fact that racism was rampant and systemic. I slowly allowed myself to be turned from a survivor of abuse, racism, and poverty into a victim of it. 2/
I started to trip over myself trying not to be racist to the very child I took in when I was 18 and raised. I momentarily forgot that my grandfather taught me to work. He taught me to cry, but keep going. To love, but gently criticize when someone goes too far. 3/
To love your neighbor, and give them the benefit of the doubt. I forgot what it was like to be held to the standard of decency, as ashamed as I am to admit it. I forgot that my grandfather worshipped beside every color and every faith, as long as they brought love to the table.4/
When I vote today, I’m voting in honor of my grandfather, who taught me the power of the American dream. A man that was raised during the Great Depression, but still smiled. He didn’t blame his circumstances for his life. He wasn’t ashamed of a hard days work. 5/
He may have been a humble sawmill worker, but he was the embodiment of the American dream. The left told me I should be ashamed of that, but I refuse to be. #walkaway and vote red, and get back to judging a man by his actions and his character, not the color of his skin, 6/
religion, or background, social class. We are all people, and we are all in this together. #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #RedWave2020
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