M. Shepovalenko (CAST) speaking about VDV (airborne troops) role in the future conflicts.

Similar to the US Marine Corps: heroic past, unclear future.

VDV might be used as a part of strategic deterrence forces, as well as highly mobile general purpose forces.
Number of VDV-specific equipment and weapons remains huge, including ongoing R&D. Weight limits due to air-drop and air-mobile demands lead to decreased capabilities compared to regular land forces equipment and weapons.
One of the future VDV equipment priorities: robotization, incl. optionally-piloted transport platforms and air-dropped UGVs, as well as exoskeletons.

Paradrop operations remain theoretical, practice shows that VDV does landing assaults, or serve as light infantry.
1) VDV is kind of separate "Sixth command" (akin to military district).
2) Vertical operations are hardly achievable (lack of aircraft and adversary capabilities)
3) Separate equipment and weapons with limited export potential is very expensive to sustain.
In terms of capabilities, VDV is between traditional light and mechanized infantry.

4) VDV Structure imbalanced towards huge air-dropped units.
5) VDV faces the challenges similar to WWI Cavalry
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