@CaledonianNews @GCUSHLS I am absolutely disgusted as to what I've witnessed from this university. A student has came out to spread awareness about student nurses being underpaid/ not paid which is a very serious subject that needs to be spoke about. see thread
Since then a group chat has been made to bully and harass this student by others in the class/uni. These vile comments have been seen and read by this student causing full on anxiety. These students have then went onto REPORTING this student for raising awareness around a touchy
subject in which they’ve AGREED to investigate this ‘situation’ and that his actions will not be tolerated? I cannot believe in 2020 I am seeing a university JOIN IN on harassment and bullying and threaten this students placement. This has even been taken as far as nurses in ward
wards and placements gossiping and making vile comments about this boy, how is this going to affect his career in the future? I am outraged at the way this situation has been handled by the university and I will absolutely not sit here and watch this student be spoke down on for
wanting a fair pay in a job where they are risking their own lives to save others
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