Our obsession w/ celebrities is one big reason why #Trump got elected. I like entertainers & they are citizens but they most often do not have the experience or know-how to lead or even endorse leadership. There are exceptions but these folks ain’t it: #lilwayne #IceCube #50CENT
And I do want more entertainers to get into politics. But spend time learning, carrying bags, doing grass-roots organizing, canvassing and connecting with the suffering. Essentially, give up some of your celebrity to become a political leader. #Respectthecraft.
No one would listen to me if I dropped a rap album today in response to #lilwayne. (Well, people might - to get a good laugh.) Likewise, why should we listen to him. He’s not in these streets. He’s not carrying the political bags. But I do get a good chuckle.
And to be clear, demonizing people for a lack of knowledge isn’t cool. Black men are regularly demonized out of ignorance. We should not contribute to that. I’m not saying pray for rappers who endorsed Trump either. Point out the illogic in endorsing a lying racist, then move on.
But go vote. Everyone can make a statement with that action.
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