So, a contact of mine who is well connected inside the GOP has given me an update on what folks on the ground inside the GOP operation are saying about the state of the race right now. I'm going to paraphrase that report in this thread so I don't give away my source. 1/x
Michigan: A GOP operative with decades of experience there says he expects the state to go for Biden by 10 points. Pennsylvania: Contact there expects it to go for Biden, but by a smaller margin than the polls - maybe 3-4 points instead of 5-6. 2/x
Florida: The situation is unclear. Trump is gaining among Latino voters in Miami Dade, but he's losing a lot of support in the suburbs - and even in rural areas. GOP folks there still think Trump will win, but it could go either way. 3/x
North Carolina: A senior source there says they expect the GOP to lose all the statewide races, including the Presidency. They say the Dem early vote lead there is huge and very difficult to make up for with the election day vote that's still out there. 4/x
Virginia: The Party there expects to lose every congressional seat except the 6th and the 9th (this would be a gain of 2 seats for Democrats). 5/x
WORD OF WARNING: None of the above is confirmation that these things will definitely happen - but it gives you a sense of what people inside the GOP operations in these states are thinking right now.
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