A National Taskforce is putting together recommendations for a new human rights law. This would put all of our rights directly into Scotland’s laws

#AllOurRights #HumanRights

This new law might include economic, social & cultural rights like:

The right to food 🍲
The right to housing 🏠
The right to health ♥️
The right to a healthy environment 🌳
And specific rights for some groups of people

#AllOurRights #HumanRights

As a country, Scotland has signed up to international laws protecting these rights, but they can't be enforced in Scotland's courts.

A new human rights law would build on existing laws to strengthen how all our rights are protected.

#AllOurRights #HumanRights

The Scottish Human Rights Commission & @HRCScotland are both members of the National Taskforce.

We'd like to hear from people & communities across Scotland about how a new human rights law should work, and what people might need to use the new law to claim their rights.

📣 Find out more and give us your views at
➡️ https://www.allourrightsinlaw.scot/ 

Watch a BSL video including the questions we are asking, and send a BSL response

Access an Easy Read version
➡️ https://www.allourrightsinlaw.scot/wp-content/uploads/sites/24/2020/10/All-our-rights-in-law_Easy-Read.pdf

#AllOurRights #HumanRights

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