Government were spoilt in the spring. A much higher percentage of the public complied with lockdown than they ever thought possible.

This, alongside a desire to attribute falling cases entirely to lockdown, has led to exasperation that 'naughty' people are 'breaking the rules'..
.. which is leading to rising cases. Government seem to have convinced themselves that they can literally 'control the virus'.

But, almost simultaneously, they lost public confidence (shown through isolating behaviours) and instead of encouraging, went down the punishment route.
We know this mostly doesn't work to increase compliance with health behaviours. What would help is transparency about the uncertainty of science, and a willingness to adapt.

ÂŁ10k fines won't encourage the sole breadwinner of a family of 4 to miss work for 14 days, on measly UC.
If Government continue to use fear for compliance, but mainstream news slowly trickles in stories going against the narrative, this will only lead to anger and resentment.

People will seek out alternative information elsewhere, & make their own calls (inc believing conspiracies)
Instead, why can't we have an open, honest debate? What are other countries doing, which could and should we model? What is the cost benefit analysis of the current and potentially forthcoming measures?

This all started with excluding parliamentary debate, allowing just one view
This has to end. Think what we're doing is misguided? Are you worried about the physical and mental health effects, your children and grandchildrens' futures, the functioning of our society, the economy collapsing and the huge weight this will place on small business owners?
Then speak up. Write to your MP. Hell, write to any MP really, they all have email addresses.

Meet your friends down the pub. Have a *debate*. Do not allow moralising of the argument to stifle it, because no one has the moral highground here.

Let's push for better balance 🙏
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