
1. @Keir_Starmer was one of the most senior lawyers in the country. Yet he was happy to be a major player supporting a racist who was running a racist Party.
2. He saw his senior Jewish colleagues being forced out of the Party and he said nothing and did nothing.

He saw senior non Jewish colleagues flee the Party in disgust and he said nothing and he did nothing.
3. He became leader of the Party and publicly made the right noises. He knew the Party had no chance of any future success whilst the public knew it was stained with the racism within it.
4. For three months he had access to a report that told him he was a senior member of a Party that was racist. He had three months to plan what he was going to say to the public about this. He knew it was a huge story that was going to be publicised widely.
5. He was gifted free publicity on all networks that could show the U.K. that he was different to his predecessor; that despite his cowardice, despite his lack of a backbone, despite his shilling for a bunch of racists at the top of his Party, that he wasn’t a racist.
6. We watched his press conference and many of us sat there aghast. There was no personal apology for his disgraceful behaviour; no mea culpa. There was no criticism of what had come before, why it had happened and who was to blame.
7. His chance to put distance between him and Corbyn was lost. His opportunity to show the Jewish community et al that he understand that what happened under Corbyn had nothing to do with process and regulations but was about political ideology and racism, was screwed.
8. And now we know why. His focus was not on proving that the Party was going to kick out the racists and their poison, it was on not criticising poor Mr Corbyn. According to Sir Keir, nice, old, genial, Magic Grandpa doesn’t deserve any criticism.
9. I now understand why Corbyn was shocked by his suspension. Initially I just assumed it was because the thick, racist with an ego the size of the planet was too dense to realise what he’d done. But he wasn’t. The night before he was given the green light by Sir Keir.
10. Imagine if as DPP Starmer had said to a criminal, don’t worry we won’t prosecute you because a few numpties will get upset if I do. That’s what he did with Corbyn.
11. People I respect and like hugely rejoined the Party yesterday. Everyone has to make their their own decision. But at this point, if there was an election, despite the horrors on the other side, I still couldn’t vote for the Labour Party. I’m not sure why any Jew would.
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