As a mum who homeschools I regularly come across resources that address issues dear to the hearts of many (equity, environment, etc) even when these topics are not the core curriculum for that week, however they are often framed in ways I do not agree with so I do my best to...
...make sure my kids are informed of the different perspectives society has to address such issues & stress the importance of always asking questions and finding out why someone might be behaving or doing something that the texts say is wrong. Are they simply bad people, are...
...they acting from ignorance, or could there be pressures on them from other parts of society that force them to not conform or is there room for disagreement. I also try to make sure my kids know that everyone & everything that tries to teach something to them comes from a...
...person who has bias, including me, but ultimately what they need to do in life is to consider these things and make a decision on what they think is right or what they think the best way is to address such issues and then I stress again my own fallibility, mum could get...
...things wrong. I know though from my own education & from when I was briefly a mainstream teacher, and from when my kids have done some ‘real school’, from the curriculums I follow and from as mentioned the teaching & learning resources that in most cases there only very...
...small token attempts if any to offer balanced takes on social issues in the schooling system. In other words the information is introduced dogmatically & is reinforced over & over again over the years. I can only assume that this is why today we are seeing ...
...such stunningly self-righteous demands for censorship. These people have no tolerance for other views, they are indeed shocked by them & no one has ever taught them that you can step back from what is served up to you and make your own assessments, your own informed...
...decisions. And in a way they could even be a little bit correct in responding with such outrage and I would say sometimes fear, because if the people receiving the alternative view were also never taught how to critically assess information presented to them there is indeed...
...a risk that they will become radicalised by it. However censorship especially censorship enforced by power groups must not be the way forward, it will not fix the problem, it will empower fascism on both sides of the coin both in those who’s beliefs can no longer be...
....challenged as they are protected & supported by power structures and in those who’s views have been marginalised and now sit in echo chambers constantly having their beliefs reinforced. Censorship in this regard is the path to intolerance, bigotry & eventually social...
...approval of persecution. We must find another way, the problem is huge, investment is required to solve the problem but as we’ve so clearly seen in the 20th & 21st centuries funding itself is rarely offered without strings & biased attached. I can only write this therefore... a plea to those who are considering censorship as the solution to think again. @jack @Twitter
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