Thank it JOEL. Please everyone, take a look. Weekly death rate England. It’s entirely NORMAL. There aren’t more deaths than usual. There aren’t more respiratory deaths than normal. Govt claims there is a lethal respiratory virus at large, killing 100s per day.
It is misdiagnosis.
Because there aren’t excess respiratory deaths - and Govt KNOWS there aren’t, there is NO need for any further ‘measures’ that are hurting families, killing people & destroying the economy. This isn’t opinion or forecasting. It’s right in front of your eyes. If you don’t object.. the strongest terms and just say “we the people of U.K. are not doing this; the virus killed people but it’s months ago stopped; your unchecked, error-prone test is lying to us all, cease immediately”, our country & lives are all in peril. With no exaggeration, I’ve....
...been more sure of anything that what I’ve been saying, with increasing alarm, is true. I’ve also never felt afraid of our Govt. I am now & you should be. None of this makes sense. That means there are hidden motivations for what’s happening. I’ve no idea, but it’s not benign.
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