My last blog post was July 8. But after ten years of blogging, you can tag new trending terms, but I've laid out the basics, which haven't changed so much with time. WAS screwed up, still is, and (from what I can tell) most too busy following trends to look it up themselves..
Attaching (let alone also annotating) images for Twittr, composing sensible responses to others is far beyond inefficient, but I do it anyway; I'm curious like that... wh/ may be why still alive.

Spontaneous =non-artistry, mine, a gut response to the biz plan of 6-fingered icon
Anyhow, FYI, attached is a legend (mini-annotated guide to 5 shortlinks on my Twitter profile, wh/ I often direct people to (i.e., Look it up yourself). I circled, pasted in images, added arrows, shrank, repositioned and kept at it long enough to get this done:
re: shortlink "D" (overall grade I give the #Cal_OAG_RCT CalifRegistryofCharitableTrusts), it's gone down: since when-who knows? 4how long-won't say.
Coincidentally? (conveniently? 4former Calif AG @SenKamalaHarris) exactly when we MIGHT MOST need2 hyperactive fundraiser 501c4s.
What you just have to love about the timing & delivery of the news
it's in the eternal "now." Present Tense Timeless
no advance warning "we'll be down for maintenance"
no history "we went down on ___"

& delivered w/ a basic, K12 grammar error:
"The Registry_ _ are down.."
But if you REALLY need to verify a charity meanwhile, feel free to sort through the CSV (Comma Separation Value) files and match our legend (on another pdf) to the visuals

Attached: a sample of some "not registereds", the "Y" section...
Also popular I see are charities beginning w/ the word "American" or better yet, "Young Americans."

The #Cal_OAG_RCT when actually functional does (with persistence) in its Details pages, lead to uploaded pdfs, and MUCH to learn there #SeeMyBlog
(two prior lookups attched)
I'm looking for a screenshot of the searchable fields on this database which I heard only came into being about 2009. It's better than nothing, although I have many questions about how it's maintained (data entry) and why info "Details" often say the OAG has, aren't uploaded.
I'll find it eventually! (see this thread for main topic).
#Cal_OAG_RCT down for maintenance during US Presidential elections, "until further notice"...

As with when http://TAGGS.HHS.Gov  went down in Dec? 2013, who even noticed or protested? It came back in diff't format.
Prior Tweet, 2nd image (w/ the pink stars) shows search page of the #Cal_OAG_RCT, with the main identifiers (2nd and 3rd fields), I believe, the best ones. Often I'd go to the Cal SecOfState  to get CalEntity#, then use that to find the EIN# & #IRSForms990
(Long thread on #Cal_OAG_RCT comes from my update of Twitter profile home page (of the many shortlinks) & discovering this valuable database is now down (again), indefinitely. So I searched my desktop files for the phrase; this=prior research.
Notes show what U can learn here.
FYI I've virtually NEVER been paid for this type of investigation (altho that's about to change, it seems), but undertook it after learning of the massive betrayal of women, men, and taxpayers by networked nonprofits to churn family court cases & undermine DV protectns.
#AFCC etc
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