cal being so nervous when mare gets pregnant. obviously he sobs like a baby when she tells him and then he FREAKS. OUT. he goes into overdrive mode. buys every book he can find. grills Julian until he physically has nothing else to tell him about kids. doesn't sleep like, ever. +
asks mare how she's feeling every 4 minutes, LITERALLY, to the point where she hides from him or makes excuses for errands bc even tho it's so fxkin adorable SHE'S FINE, Cal, and I've survived a war I can certainly survive this., which obviously he doesn't hear. he makes a crib+
by hand, painstakingly poring over every detail, spending hours and hours in his workshop while mare watches and smiles and just falls more in love with him. cal also grills the hell out of her parents, and her mom is so patient with him, thinking it's so adorable when he+
gets all weird and sweaty. when mare hits her 8 month mark cal INSISTS she stop working and just rest, babe, please, you're gonna give me a heart attack. and mare does because she knows how crazy he feels and how nervous he is. and when her water breaks he FLIPS OUT and+
calls evangeline, who of course is cool headed, and eve drives them both to the medical center and calms cal down while mare tries to stay calm but now she's freaking out too. and when the labor starts it's like no pain mare has ever experienced and that's saying something. cal+
never leaves her side. "you're doing so good baby. come on mare, you got this. you can do this." and when she's finally done they both cry because they did it. through everything, through the struggles. they started in an arena together thinking they were going to die, and now+
they were here. together. all was well.
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