Look at what Dean’s been questioning all season long: “Cas, machination or choice?”

He’s beating himself to shit over it, letting anger control him and prevent him from seeing his choice was never machination at all. Humans can choose angel lovers. Adam did. >>
Then Chuck’s dumbass strolls in and clarifies for Dean the one question really holding Dean back: “Cas, machination or choice?”

And the answer is spelled out as 1000% choice. Other Cas’ followed the story. They didn’t do this
Cas quite literally fell for Dean. Thanks to Chuck’s revelation Dean Winchester for all intents and purposes is now FREE to accept Cas as something he choses. Dean must accept and voice this realization in order to move into the future, whatever that looks like.
This will now continue to be evergreen symbolism 💙💚✨
No clue how far we go from here. I still believe holding hands is recurring imagery we should ideally see revisited. And Dean telling Cas he loves him is something long overdue.
Sam and Dean are the messengers of God’s destruction. It’s time to speak your truth, claim yourself, and move into THE FUTURE. What’s real? We are.
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