Watchjng a documentary about suicide forest in Japan and thinking about Forest ghost Kiri falling in love with a blonde that comes to the forest to try and kill themselves once a month but never does so he ends up following him after a couple months
He starts following the blonde, curious about why he goes there, only to go home before sun down. He’s fascinated because every single person that goes there never comes back. At all.
So he learns that the blonde is actually plagued by guilt because he sent someone to the hospital by telling them to die so he thinks that killing himself will atone for that but he can’t just do it and Kiri feels sorry for him
He tries to encourage the blonde and cheer him up but the blonde just starts thinking that he’s haunted. Maybe a ghost followed him home. Stupid fucking suicide forest.
So of course, his blonde doesn’t come back to the forest and he’s happy because that means his cheering him up worked right? So he cheers him up more by leaving weird gifts for him or cleaning his apartment while the blonde sleeps.
The blonde though can’t take it anymore and goes to his friend who’s a shaman’s son to try and get rid of the ghost. So here they are, a purple haired man, staring at him with a bored expression and shrugging.
“So can you get rid of it?” He hears his blonde say. Was Katsuki, as he learned his name was, trying to get rid of him? But why?

So his eyes start to water as he lifts his head up to look at the other male again.
The purple one looks at him and sighs. “Yes but I won’t”. Kirishima lightens up.

Katsuki slams his hands on the floor. “Why the fuck not?”

“It’s not trying to hurt you, Bakugou. Give it a chance.” The guy says. “Now if that’s all, I need to sleep.”
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