Ive worked in LA (and ATL) animation for over a decade! If anyone wants to ask me about cartoons, working in cartoons, or getting into cartoons, please reply to this tweet with a question!
Everything is digital now. https://twitter.com/pattenpending/status/1322006964516216832
Not as long as you’re alive! https://twitter.com/lamtastic/status/1322009442540380161
I wish I knew. Typically the shows I work on, the writing staff is WGA and work for our client. Other than being in the same UCB classes I don’t know how they broke in. Sometimes assistants to writers/showrunners get bumped up. I wish I knew more. Sorry. https://twitter.com/andalusiandoge/status/1322016307320074240
Maybe when we evolve past the need for butts, but then it’ll just become an obscure reference, which are often hilarious. So never. https://twitter.com/karlicartoons/status/1322028044064796672
That isn’t true. There are still plenty of internships. They are just typically in production, or if they are art internships, they’re on non-union projects. I once had storyboard interns on a non union job who have all gone on to work full time in the business. https://twitter.com/jojoabob/status/1322027682280910848
Website. Put everything you want them to see in one place, easy to access, easy to read. https://twitter.com/misterkachur/status/1322034809011580929
You can follow @myanimewaifu.
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