"While capitalism is a good system, it requires capital to participate."

(*whispers* it also requires cheap labor 😬)


Have y'all read this Contract With Black America Ice Cube stay talking about, cuz....
"Venture Capital and Private Equity funds that take money from police unions or other public entities must invest 13.4% of their total funds in Black owned businesses."

So...take the money, but give a tiny slice of it back to the communities these police unions brutalize?
This....is interesting, and by interesting I mean weird.
It's the respectability politics for me 🙃

"Black businesses who receive loans per lending reforms with over 100 employees will employee at least 50% non-Black employees."

So, Black-owned companies that receive federal loans can be Black...but not TOO Black. But other companies only have to be 13.4% Black.
Man....they lost me at "Black on Black crime."

This document purports to be "radical" but uses an anti-Black phrase (that's wrong, btw) in the "Black responsibility" section.
In the "Restitution" section, there's no mention of a plan or suggestion to forgive student loan debt for Black folks, and I'm confused as to why that isn't the case? It's all centered on home ownership, but...no student loan relief??
Side note: This Contract With Black America desperately needs an editor. A few bullet points repeated in one section, "Black" is both lower and uppercase throughout, grammatical errors pop up. It's hard for me to take it seriously if they didn't even proofread this joint.
I'm all for strong Black family units — our families hold us down — but still restricting it to "the father-mother-child paradigm" leaves out SO MANY Black families. Also, mentioning Black men, but not talking about how Black women are also impacted is a whole problem.
Ok, finally done reading the Contract With Black America. And while there are some good ideas in there (Black students going to college for free, insuring cops who have multiple use of force complaints are barred from being cops, etc), A LOT is missing, namely HEALTHCARE.
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