So I gotta add this dude to Renaine so let's see how long it takes. Should I tweet some progress at 10pm? Aight let's do it #gamedev

He's a world 3 (desert 🏜) cannon fodder enemy so a bit simple - marches along dutifully then rolls if Aine gets too close, rolls if hit.
Despite being really simple Speri (that's their name) has 10+ different animations so... Yea. Deceptively simple. Hold on a sec while I set that up and its hitbox and... all that (this is actually one of the more time consuming bits.) #gamedev
mmmmmm that's not it #gamedev
I think he's just enjoying the electroswing I have blaring 24/7. Yes that's the actual music I have going on. Don't judge me!
I fixed it! Alas the moonwalking Speri is not to be. Maybe as an easter egg? Ah well. Here's how that walk is SUPPOSED to look. Also why is this playlist always matching this dude's vibe.
he just outta there
In this video: a round birb tries to spin attack, hits a wall, marches, turns around, tries to spin attack, hits a wall, marches... #gamedev
Once again the electroswing playlist matching up the emotional state of poor Speri here exactly. Please send positive vibes as it tries to sort through its life choices 🐦
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