Lol all the replies are DSA people like "we stand with Corbyn because criticism of Israel is not antisemitic!"

Honestly, though, criticism of Israel generally *is* antisemitic in both its language and the very fact that Israel is the Jewish state. I just don't really care lol.
I think it was @EvanPlatinum who said that conservatives actually are correct in sensing that left-wing anti-Zionism is anti-semitism.

95% of Jews are Zionists. Israel is the only Jewish state. So IMO criticism of Israel is ipso facto antisemitism. But again, I just don't care.
To be clear, I don't think most left-wing anti-Zionists intend to be anti-semitic. But when they're attacking Israel for wielding its money abroad, pulling the strings globally, etc., that literally is antisemitic because it's based on Jewish tropes. But's also true.
Inevitably, you always get the token lefty Jew in these threads saying something like this.

They agree with the left-wing gentiles that Israel is bad, but they say, "Oh no, us Jews have no agency! You're just using us as a football." Give me a break lol.
What's hard for left-wing Jews is that criticism of Israel is both anti-semitic and true. All the bad things Israel does are straight up Jewish tropes, but they're also real. So lefty Jews deflect: "Oh, well Israel doesn't represent ALL Jews!" Okay, but it does represent 95%...
Yup. Left-wingers going, "I don't hate Israel, I just hate Jews!" would be like me saying, "I don't hate Latvians, I just HATE Latvia!" Like uhh, alright, it's kind of a distinction without a difference when there's only one country full of that group.
Hey fellow left wingers! Jew here! Pay no attention to the fact that 95% of American Jews support Israel and 87% of British Jews say Corbyn is an anti-Semite. Look at me instead!

Nah, sorry. The fault for Israel's crimes falls on your tribe. Stop ducking.
And just to wrap this up, lots of left-wing Jewish anti-zionists try to pivot by blaming white evangelicals for Israel instead of Jews, which is so disgustingly dishonest.

Is Sheldon Adelson an evangelical? Is Paul Singer? Is Haim Saban? Who's funding the Israel lobby?
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