Hoover got 40% of the vote for his reelection in 1932. Here he is with massive crowds at a campaign rally a week before the election. I note this for 3 reasons:
1) We remember Hoover as a historic loser, and 1932 as FDR's landslide. But 4 in 10 voters chose Hoover. Millions upon millions of Americans enthusiastically supported his reelection.
2) While there are many things not-normal about Trump, the fact that he draws crowds at his reelection rallies is not one of them. Incumbent presidents, regardless of how disastrous, draw crowds!
3) The 1932 election is the best historic parallel for today. The economy's in shambles. Fascism's on the rise. The incumbent's ideology has been utterly discredited.

So I'm excited for next year. Biden has the opportunity to be the most transformative president since FDR.
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