November 1st and 2nd are close to us which means Día de Muertos is coming. As a mexican mixer this my favorite celebration we have so this a thread of the things i love even though no one asked for lmao:
Día de muertos is a mexican tradition where we celebrate our dead ones. We wait for them to come back with us the 1st and 2nd of November so we do a lot of activities to let them know we don’t forget them.
We start by making altares (altars). We put their favorite food, things they used to wear or play with, candles to give light, cempaxóchitl flowers to guide them, a cross made of salt, confetti with different drawings that show the union between dead and live
The arc represents the door that has live and dead, we put little skulls made of sugar that represents the humor mexicans have with dead. Every floor of the altar has a meaning (you put the the stuff I told you in each floor) we put more things but these are the most used
My favorite one “pan de muerto” (dead bread) made with orange and sugar. You only find it in this month
This is a sugar skull, you can put your name in the forehead
Every year the pantheons are full bc of all the families that go to visit their loved ones
In this celebration we paint or faces like skulls. We can use a lot of colora and drawings
The danza folklórica (folkloric dance) is a typical dance here so we dance a lot to mariachi songs (you can search on yt “Danza folclórica mexicana)
And last but not least the festivals, they made this kind of things and they cross over the entire city dancing and showing these things with more people
And that’s all lmao if you read it thank you 👀
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