14. Have you read any Marx? If not why are you cringe?
15. Fuck, Marry, Kill............Pol Pot, PewDiePie, Adolf Hitler
16. Is the N word ok for white people to say?
17. Who is a really messed up person you find HOT?
18. Should society accept incest?
19. What is a dark secret you don't want the FBI, CIA, or the Department of Homeland security to find out?
20. Whats your social security number?

(im kidding)
21. Do you want to get married?
22. Do you have pets?
23. Do you wish you could go back and change something within your control in life?
24. Have you said something to someone in the past you regret and wish you could take back?
25. Do you believe in Aliens?
26. What makes you believe life can't get better?
27. How does it feel to know that there is much love and care waiting for you in life?
28. Do you feel like the universe hates you sometimes?
29. Did you ever love someone? Did they let you down?
30. Are women hot to you?
31. Are men hot to you?
32. Why are most anime viewers pedophiles?
33. You realize that god exists. How do you react?
34. What if god was trans woman? Would you still kill her?
35. Do you ever wish you could go back to a certain moment so vividly in your memories and just relive it again?
36. Why are you doing this rn? Don't you have a life?
37. What do you think is missing most from this life of yours? What would make you feel more complete?
38. Is it difficult sometimes to express why you feel discontent with your life?
39. What if everyone loved each other? What if they treated each other like family no matter what and our understanding of boundaries evolved. What would the world be like?
40. If you could time travel what time period would you like to reside in?
41. Does dick size matter?
42. Whats your favorite christmas carol?
43. Would you smoke up a joint with me?
What do you feel?
The End.
You can follow @Sarma_Aalia.
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