I used to wonder why rich/famous people who genuinely came from humble beginnings would ever lean conservative or oppose welfare, or why the most down-to-earth Youtubers got get so apathetic at best.

There's the usual "Got money, wanna keep it" but there's another aspect: noise.
Based on my very limited experience and the very not-limited experience of my peers, the more famous you are the more noise you receive, to the point that you will get deafening opposition and praise from EVERYONE.

To the point where nothing you do has an effect on YOU.
So, when you're famous, all you have are close friends who usually aren't from a struggling demographic, ironically partly due to knowing a celebrity. When all you have is people who adore, despise or just starstruck, you're forced apart.

With everyone else who's apart.
Does this excuse people like K*nye or J*R from doing things that'll kill the kind of people they used be (Discriminated against and homeless)? No, not at all.

But don't think it's because they're necessarily evil.

They just literally can't hear you.

Fans are great. Fame sucks.
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