I want to say this for no apparent reason but: not everything is about representation, some ppl want to get into stories bc of the emotions they make them feel, the fun, the angst, the wonder, you don't need to ID with characters to enjoy a fictional story
you don't need to feel "represented" in a story, you don't need a character to share the exact same experience with you or to pander to you in order to enjoy a thing

sometimes people like to have fun in ways that doesn't involve them and their real life experiences personally
sure representation is important, ESPECIALLY in mass media, but it doesn't need to be your /ONLY/ reason to get into a series, a game, a book, bc if you do only that you'll end up not enjoying anything, just endlessly nitpicking media and that's not fun nor healthy
idk it's not fun if you're out there like "yeah this looks good, but does it meet [insert personal and subjective list of requirements that you want to pass as objective and universal] standards???"

me: idk bro, idol anime goes brrrrrr kira kira kagayaku yayyy ☆☆☆
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