Welcome to the party! I am serious about this. The husband is responsible for how his wife votes. He should not be abusive or a jerk about this and he should seek counsel from his wife on elections. But at the end of the day he is responsible.
A few reasons:
-They should be united in voting. The husband makes sure this happens.
-If they vote differently, they cancel each other out.
-If they vote differently, the husband leaves his wife unprotected. If the husband won’t vote for a guy, why would he let his wife do it?
When the husband follows Jesus and lays his life down for his wife and she submits to him, it is a joyful and potent marriage. Men and women are sinners and they make mistakes but the gospel is big enough to heal all sins, even broken marriages.
This is not an excuse for abuse or problems in marriage. This is the answer to those problems: the gospel forgives and brings true healing in marriages. We all need the reminder that Jesus came to save sinners. We must believe this and rest in it.
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