1. There is this, frankly, deranged view in the Labour Party harking back to the early 80s, convinced that, despite the whole of history turning on its head since then, the only way for Labour to win is to defeat the Left. It is wrong. The world has changed. Labour will die.
2. We are now in a period where inequality has become so stark that the choice really is between democratic socialism or authoritarian fascism. Fascism is gaining pace at break-neck speed. You cannot fight it by being a little-bit-less-fascist.
3. And as the chasm widens between the haves & the have-nots, trying to maintain some kind of avocado-munching-everything-was-fine-in-2012 (and I can be guilty of that on a bad day) idyll when we have poverty, homelessness and death increasing exponentially won't cut the mustard
4. We have a choice: either the chasm widens, which will lead to levels of public disorder the like of which our generation have never witnessed, or we accept that the Chicago Boys' model has failed, and restructure society for the many.
5. I never forget how fortunate I am. Probably because I remember what it was like to go without, as a child (and even as a young adult at times). I also realise that unless we treat every citizen with dignity and respect, and create a society that respects everyone's dignity...
6. ... all of us will be screwed. Society will collapse completely. Giving to others is also giving to yourself. Treating others with kindness, compassion and dignity is also creating a secure society for yourself. Stop being so fucking self-absorbed and understand that.
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