we should actually talk about the condescending, dismissive way EVERYONE talks about straight women/girls & how this probably impacted the rise in dysphoric females who have spent their formative years online around this type of language/thinking
It’s totally normal(and yes more so in the online queer community) to be so fucking rude to teen girls, make fun of everything they like, be dismissive of their feelings, etc. we see it all the time when people talk negatively about detransitioners
“Shes was never trans, she’s just a BORING straight girl!” It’s always something like “boring” or “ugly” or “stupid” that people use when describing straight women/teens! How do you think young women feel when their peers/the general public constantly says these things?
Honestly the way girls in general aren’t allowed to have interests without being picked on for it?maddening! (VSCO girls, alt/goth girls, girls who like anime/video games, girls in sports, girls who like “cringey” things)
maybe if everyone stopped taking their frustrations out on literal teen girls, constantly belittling them etc, we would have less of them trying to distance themselves from their sex?
Also not to be that guy but the way y’all have used to word “Karen” to describe middle aged women you hate is like so fucking annoying. There’s never a male equivalent and it’s so easy to see you’ve just found a socially acceptable way to be misogynistic and ageist.
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