Beyond Shokin's word, there's never been evidence Biden fired him to protect his son. But you can believe that and still see that crucial details about this story have been left out or distorted in US reporting, erring in Biden's favour. Most have been covered, but a few extra:
The NYT itself reporting that Zlochevsky (the corrupt oligarch who owned Burisma) and his people were pleased that Shokin was replaced by Lutsenko, because they thought they could work with him:
In February 2016, just one month before Shokin was fired, a court seized Zlovchesky's housing estate in response to a petition filed by Shokin's office. Which doesn't make sense if Shokin's investigation into Burisma was "dormant" when he was fired.
Alas, my WiFi connection is too terrible to finish this thread now, but you get the idea.
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