lil wayne just came out in support of trump. here's malcolm x on why you should ignore these clown ass celebrities spouting nonsense that placates the powerful
the replies to this will now be flooded with magaite boomers who after watching a candace owens clip now think malcolm x would have been pro-trump. see this thread for why that's deranged
lmao I have done this like 10 times now and every single time, without fail, I get the exact same response from these people going "MALCOLM WOULD LOVE TRUMP HE HATED LIBERALS REPUBLICANS ARE THE PARTY OF LINCOLN"
"malcolm x, who loved fidel castro and the vietcong and was a revolutionary socialist who supported the use of violence to overthrow the white supremacist capitalist regime in the US would have loved trump". see this thread for receipts on all this:
for more great clips of malcolm x and information about his life see this thread
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