The #ValueArmy is glad to help.


The #FaaS partner pools will be controlled by $VALUE contracts, and right now talking about creating an #NFT stamp that projects coming onto value liquid meet auditing criteria to show they don’t have mint functions that can be abused...
(2/10) when $VALUE is really running it will be like an
@UniswapProtocol with the confidence none of those tokens on Value will be scam.
#NFT stamps, are seals of quality that $VALUE has been vetted, the #FAAS pools are out of reach from them so they cant remove liquidity from it.
Code-wise, no one except governance could remove the setCap and mint more than 2.37mil $VALUE.Governance is set to 24h timelock, so technically minting above 2.37mil VALUE is impossible without notifying everyone. The only other way to mint VALUE is the YFV-VALUE wrap...
...function, which locks $YFV in order to mint $VALUE. So infinite minting VALUE is impossible. If you click on the VALUE contract above, you will see the amount of YFV which currently locked in the wrap contract.
All mint command that make TotalSupply (beside yfv locked) > 2.37M will be reverted. This is coded in the $VALUE contract.
You can follow @Hikaze_369.
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