this year i am doing a gentle version of nano where all i commit to is just. sitting with my book for 20 minutes. & if that turns into an hour or hours of writing that’s great! & if after 20 minutes I close my computer & go back to...whatever I was doing before, that’s great too.
it might seem like nothing but i have learned that gentle routines (aka trying to walk 20 min every day, even if the goal is to run 20 min every day) is the best way to get my brain on board, esp if it’s something low stakes & easy. & is is. truly all i can give rn
should we do this??? do y'all want to track your progress under #gentlenano with me??? you can set your own requirements as needed (maybe yours isn't 20 min! maybe it's 100 words! it's literally up to you!) and we can all try to. make art in an on-fire world together lol
You can follow @mixbecca.
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