This week, we at @AriadneLabs and @SurgoFoundation released a Vaccine Allocation Planner for states and cities to plan #COVID19vaccine distribution. As you start working with it, you realize just how wrenching the choices are going to be. 
We have 19M first responders and high-risk health care workers. For this group alone, we may already have shortages. And that’s without even getting to nursing home residents, the chronically ill, or essential workers.
The tool helps visualize distributing to counties proportional to population vs vulnerability to COVID-19. But it won’t make the choices any easier.
And this doesn’t even take into account potential distribution difficulties.

CDC estimates $6B in costs required for logistics, vaccine workers. The administration has allocated to states … $340M.

Upshot: Prepare for severe challenges.
You can follow @Atul_Gawande.
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