"The jury mansion was sickening. Very grateful for that experience. It was the vacation of a lifetime," says Kevin on his Insta live re: jury. #BB22
Kevin says Da'Vonne is someone he "genuinely likes" but in jury they "came to the conclusion that we're different people." #BB22
Kevin says he and Day were close the first days in the house, but there was a disagreement after they put if together from media interviews there was a segment about a convo he had w/ David re: his identity. Day stormed out of the room. #BB22
"She was upset that she felt that I was talking about her behind her back with David" Kevin says re: Day. And they got into the conversation about race again and it got heated. And after that they didn't talk to e/o. "It was so unfortunate." #BB22
After that, Kevin says Day became besties with Dani and he became close with David. And Ian would go hang out with Dani and Day.

Kevin says Day deserves all the positivity that comes her way but "We just decided that we're different people." #BB22
Kevin says the vibe became unfriendly & they avoided e/o in jury.

"I take full responsibility b/c I'm awkward af." He cites his convo w/ Cody as an example of this (which his hubby told Kevin was "Franken-edited" (and hubby is right!)).

"It was just a disconnect btwn 2 people. We were trying to have a complex conversation and we weren't seeing eye to eye." Kevin says it was difficult b/c they were in the dark & didn't exactly know what was being shown on the show. "I'd love to continue the conversation." #BB22
Kevin: "It was so awkward because we shared the same room together." 😬

Kevin says they said two sentences to each other after the first couple of days.

"I feel like time will clear this all up" & Day will see it wasn't "a poop on Da'Vonne fest" on the show.

Kevin says he, Tyler & David would hang out in jury and watch The Boys and The Umbrella Academy.

Which is probably what I should've done instead of watching #BB22, now that I think of it.
Kevin says Dani is very strong-minded and has a very strong perspective, while Kevin had a different perspective. They disagreed about the Tyler nom/situation & didn't talk for a week after that.

LOL. Kevin says production had to intervene in the "pros and cons" jury discussion b/c no one was saying any pros about Nicole & they were instructed to say some pros. #BB22
Kevin says he likes "strong, intelligent women who are badasses" and he's "still obsessed" w/ Dani & Day.

We're now seeing his live reaction to him learning about Fricole losing sponsorships & questions like, "Did Xmas & Memphis boink?" 🤣

"Apparently I said a lot of bad things about Janelle. I'm gonna admit that I was salty. I felt rejected by her. I so badly wanted to play with Janelle." He says Janelle is "not good about disguising her" distaste w/ people.

Kevin thought Janelle was dragging him in #BB22.
Kevin was getting the vibe that Janelle was trashing him in the house and saying he was untrustworthy. "And so that hurt me. Janelle is a legend, an icon and I committed blasphemy. I apologize!" #BB22
Kevin sensed that Janelle was becoming a house target so he tried to separate himself from people saying they're aligned by speaking negatively about her.

"I'm pretty sure that was fucked up and wrong" and he understands if Janelle wants to cancel him. #BB22
Kevin reads a comment that said he & Nic A had bad reads (he agrees), that he poisoned Nic A's mind, and that Chima came to his rescue. His mind is currently being blown by Memphmas allegations.

He says he'll do NicA's podcast & she's been DMing his hubby. #BB22
Kevin says 75% of the house pre-gamed, they came to find out. He was terrified to do it but "it basically is allowed." He says he & Day were the only ones not to do it. At first he was against it but now he sees it as "par for the course." #BB22
"I think that's just part of the game. We all know each other. I should've contacted people before," Kevin says of pre-gaming.

He learns that Michelle from his season dragged him on social media & is disappointed to learn about it. #BB22
"That game played the hell out of Big Brother. This guy completely killed the game," Kevin says re: Cody.

Someone asks if Nicole would've gotten his vote vs Cody but he said he'd only have voted for her to win vs Enzo.

Xmas didn't come to the jury house, he adds. #BB22
"It's almost like BB Karma slapped me in the face & said, 'Bitch! You're gonna recognize Jordan's game!'" Kevin says, adding the #BB22 gave him new respect for how Jordan won from being outside the main alliance.

Kevin says that Day acted different when the cameras were off but Tyler was always genuine. "He's a magnet. He's a great guy." 🤔

Kevin now finding out that Tyler wanted to quit the game for real haha. He thought that was "fake ass shit."

He explains that he's only been out of the house for 24 hours. "Apparently that was real. My bad!"

Kevin asks if everyone liked that the big alliance was controlling things in #BB22 and samples some of the answers:

"No. Absolutely not. No. No."

Good job, Instagram commenters!
Kevin says no one could muster a win outside the big alliance. He used to hate America's Votes and Coup d'etat's but now he gets it.

He doesn't understand why there was no America's Vote. And yeah, neither did we.

Kevin adds that he was also "obsessed with Bayleigh" but "I think I maybe did something to her in the house" because "I'm a stupid, awkward potato." But Bayleigh started to be mean to him at some point.

But Bay can entertain & educate at the same time, he says. #BB22
Kevin says he's love to do @RobHasApodcast & is now completely distracted by @attackLZRD in the chat.

He says Ian reminds him of Ronnie from BB11 "but don't tell Ian that." He hung out w/ David, Tyler & Ian in jury. #BB22
Someone in the comments reminds Kevin that he also compared Kaysar to Ronnie, but Kevin rescinds that comparison. He only means it in a "think about the game non-stop" kind of way. He loves Ronnie & feels bad that he lied to him about not being in sequester. #BB22
More questions about Memphmas. Kevin says he noticed they were close before the jury segment. "I'm talking, like, physical proximity." 🍿 #LaundryTime

Parker says they bonded over their dislike of black people and Kevin calls him messy. #BB22
Someone asks about the feeds being down for a day when Ian/Kevin were on the hammock & he says that's a story for another day.

He says Ian was aware in jury that he'd been made fun of and it upset Ian. #BB22
Kevin now going live with a lovely guest named Kira, who loved this season and Kevin was her favorite. #BB22
I'm not gonna update this part b/c it feels too personal. And Kevin inadvertently(?) ends transmission after her cameo anyway so... 🤷‍♂️

That's a wrap, @jack? Stay tuned. #BB22
Oh hey, no! He's back. "Sorry, my bad! I accidentally hung up on you guys!" He says maybe that's a sign that he should end this. 🤣

"Tyler is like the coolest guy ever. So chill. Such a genuine person," says Kevin.

Someone asks if anyone discussed 🎄 hitting someone with a 🚗 but he refuses to reply haha.

Kevin repeats that he's not mad a Day.

Someone asks why no one listened to Kaysar/Janelle's advice, but Kevin says he did listen and was taking notes during Kaysar's eviction speech. (A little too late to listen at the point maybe? LOL.)

"Christmas is a badass. Just so you know," comments Kevin when someone in chat calls her Felon Navidad. "The only bad side is..." he starts to say and then wisely edits out the predicate of that sentence.

Kevin says he would've nominated Cody & Nicole had he won HOH.

He says he's "obsessticles" with Nicole A.

He says he thought, "Damn! She good!" when he learned that Fricole lied about her Ian/Tyler vote. "She's a stronger player than I thought."

Kevin continues to pour ashes on the Memphmas tea. "They both have partners and I think we should be respectful about that." SOME ASK HIM ABOUT #LAUNDRYTIME!

Memphis told Kevin in jury that it was funny that Memphis was being asked about Xmas a lot in his Xmas interviews. #BB22
Kevin learns that Dani was saying that Bayleigh stole Janelle's clothes. He calls Dani "a mess."

He then asks us if Josh & Kaycee got COVID. Pre-show, Kevin would search to see if his name was in spoiler info b/c that person would know their stuff. #BB22
From that search, Kevin found a reliable source that indicated maybe Kaycee would've been on.

Someone in comments tries to say KC & Josh were kept off #BB22 b/c of pre-gaming but Kevin shoots that down & says that everyone pre-gamed.
Kevin says he'll do another live "when I know how to do this a lot better."

Kevin says the first news he learned outside the house was that "Trump caught the COVID. Completely shook over that."

He can't comment re: Memphis' ableist comment b/c he wasn't in that room. #BB22
Kevin says if Kaycee & Josh had been cast, it would've shifted the number of POCs in the house. And Memphis was a late replacement so, since he was the architect of The Committee, that would've shifted the game. #BB22
Kevin says he wouldn't have minded if Christmas had won. 👀

He also lists some others but the Xmas mention shorted out my brain.

He's now expounding upon his love for Lydia & Chima from his season.

He saw his BB Comic on Instagram. #BB22
Kevin says he doesn't want to do any podcasts that were shitting on him so let him know if anyone was.

Someone says that Janelle kept calling him a "whiny bitch" & Kevin says "Janelle's not wrong. I was crying a lot." 😆

Kevin is now on with @itskathryndunn, who is driving but has apparently pulled over.

Kat says Kevin was the reason the vote flip happened because of Kevin because he told Dani. "You were the puppet master!"

Kevin: "I fucked up!"

Kat: That was your fault!

"That shit was boring, girl," Kev says of the season. Kat says it was boring.

Kevin is asked if #BB22 contacted her & Kat is all, "NOO!!! They don't like me!"

Kevin says he thinks production will do another All-stars b/c it went well & Kat is VERY surprised to hear that haha.

Kat says "there was a lot of drama" and alludes to Fricole's canceled sponsorships.

Kevin: "I need to investigate this. Thanks for filling me in on the tea. Now I'm scared!"

Kat says people hated the Committee.

Kevin: They did? Because I FUCKING HATED IT.

Kat is getting a kick out of blowing Kevin's mind with all of the news. "You're like a Martian. This is so much fun."

Kevin says Ian was aware that many people were called to the DR about "something serious" re: Ian but he doesn't know if Ian knows that it was about. #BB22
Kat telling Kevin about Memphis maybe saying the N word now. "It's been a long season."

And Grod bless @itskathryndunn for asking about #LaundryTime but Kevin doesn't know what it was code for. #BB22
Kat now walking Kevin through the Memphmas kiss conspiracy & the Zapruder feedster breakdowns of whether they did.

Kevin says before the jury segment "Memphis ran to Xmas and they had a moment of hugging. Really cute moment."

Kevin asking if the Xmas vs Bay/Day fight made the show.

Kat says Xmas is fun, but she has a really bad temper. "There's this meme of her where she's looking in the mirror of the kitchen & it looks like she's angry."

Kevin: I cannot wait.

Re: Fricole, Kevin says "They hated her in the jury house. Dani, Da'Vonne and Ian couldn't vibe with her at all."

Kat says she was hated on Twitter too. #BB22
Kevin says that HGs argued against a prolonged hotel stay before the jury segment so instead they only had to stay in a hotel for two days.

Kat asks about the wall yellers & Kevin says producers asked them not to talk about them. But Kevin believed the yellers. #BB22
Kat asks if there was a banner, and Kevin says there wasn't.

So there's one conspiracy disproven!

Kevin says that he fainted in the house because he was a Have Not and they cut the feeds. "I passed the fuck out."

He awoke to a producer talking to him. Kat says no one talked about that afterwards! #BB22
"I'm glad you survived," Kat adds casually.

Kat says she had a @TulaneTerry costume for Halloween. But she's in front of Sally's and needs to go shop for her next comment so signs off.

Kevin says he needs to sign off too because he's getting sweaty and sticky. Which is excellent timing b/c I need to go do the same on my treadmill.

That InstaLive was actually more exciting than 98% of all #BB22. Well done & thanks, @kcampbellicious! 😘
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