The primary author for nearly a decade. The primary author faces personal and professional risk for outing themselves and I am going to respect that. Too all China focused journalists: there is a not insignificant chance you have dealt with this person. To hear journalists 2/n
Who use anonymous sources all the time was morally superior is disgusting. Second, no one has written about the contents of the paper or found factual fault with anything in the report. That reveals the readers bias not a problem with the report. If there is a factual error 3/n
Please raise it to me, I will take it to the author and a decision will be made. Third, the reason for numerous versions is because major outlets simply refuse to do any investigative work on Biden in China. First hand information that there will be no investigative stories 4/n
On Biden in China. The problems are clearly documented through corporate records, IPO prospectuses. China focused investigative reporters have their marching orders to know nothing and that's their business but these are not conspiracy theories. These are documented facts 5/n
Finally, I disclosed information to NBC reporters and stated very clearly orally and in the follow up emails this is OFF the RECORD. They chose to print key information that I can document was off the record. The key part was that Apple Daily paid for background research 6/n
I apologize to Apple Daily and Jimmy Lai the information was disclosed in this manner though I doubt they mind this coming to light as it is well known they have been investigating these issues. I should note that Apple Daily has filed FOIA requests to gain additional 7/n
Information on Hunter Biden trips that should disclose information on parties he met with on his multiple trips to Beijing to provide information beyond just travel dates. Let me strongly emphasize that if any one reads the report, it will be perfectly obvious this is not 8/n
A conspiracy theory document but a clear documented record of Hunter Biden activities, the fund, and the individuals he came in contact with. Let me give you a clear simple break down of key facts since almost no one is actually reading the report. 9/n
1. According to the co-founder Michael Lin the now manages $6.5 billion and would according to industry standard generate $130 million annually in fees with likely an additional minimum $300 million in capital gains disbursement if liquidated. This would make 10/n
Hunter Biden's share worth at least $50 million as a conservative estimate. 2. The deals that were done were deeply problematic on multiple levels. For instance, the Biden investment firm is actually a Bank of China subsidiary. Investors are actual branches of the Chinese 11/n
Government through to Chinese SOEs. The outward investment deals are primarily into state back projects and are structured in a way that serve no purpose other than to funnel funds to the Biden investment firm. 3. Chinese institutions and individuals are known 12/n
intelligence and influence assets. We cannot of course say for certain that this is a Chinese influence operation and Hunter is unlikely to be an intelligence asset but given he is surrounded by these individuals raises enormous questions at a bare minimum. 13/n
Finally, I have never had any contact with anyone about emails, laptops, sex tapes etc. Period. I see those things in the news like everyone else. What is important is this documented cited report corroborates what is coming out else where. If someone told me they could 14/n
Hand me Hunter's laptop I probably would have told them what they are finding is what I would expect to find based upon all the documentation we have about knowing what he did. In a way, none of it is a surprise. 15/n
If you want to label this report a conspiracy theory without reading then that is your business. These are documented facts from IPO prospectuses about how finances flow. It comes from M&A take over filings. Boring documented stuff like that. I don't control who picks it up. 16/n
I fully stand by this report and its contents. If there are factual errors uncovered, I am more than happy to take anything brought to me back to the author and have it reviewed. Otherwise the personal attacks are ignored because the work stands on its own.
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