The fact that so many athletes have reached a point where they feel ending their own life would be preferable to being openly gay is a sad reflection on how far we have to go.
How lucky we all are that Dan is still here to share his powerful story, which I have no doubt will offer comfort, hope and strength to anyone struggling to come to terms with who they are.
Don’t underestimate the courage this would have taken, but we also need to understand why our sporting culture remains an environment where players don’t feel comfortable to come out until after they retire.
We all need to work harder to create a world where people don’t have to choose between being themselves and the game they love.

If this story has raised concerns for you, please call @LifelineAust on 13 11 14 or QLife on 1800 184 527.
Correction: Dan Palmer is only the second *male* pro-rugby player to come out. Apologies. Was not my intention to erase the many trailblazing women who have come before Dan. Their courage and leadership have been so important.
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