tw// USA election

if you non american i think you should be aware that election day is november 3rd. people might not be active that day because of anxiety,+
stress and much more. if you are 18 and older please please vote. every vote counts i promise you. since america is very corrupt there is a chance if t*ump doesn’t win he will not leave office and use many excuses against us. if this does happen, this is a great time to++
use your platform and speak up. after November 3rd there will be a lot of uproar in america for sure. if you not american you can still you use your platform to get trump out of office by encouraging people to vote him out. if you are anxious please remember many are++
and you are not alone. if you have made it to the end of this thread, for a thank you so much for reading. once again if you are 18 and over please please vote!!
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