I didn't come up with this insight by any means but I feel like riffing on it before heading home;

One of the biggest copes in modern politics is that "being easily offended" is a sign of weakness or "being a snowflake" or whatever. Don't kid yourself.

It's a sign of power
It's been observed by many on Left and Right that working class people - regardless of their identity category or alleged protected status - don't buy into the "Woke Victimhood" thing?


Is it because they *truly* don't want to?
Be honest with yourself; if you could compel people to address you with honorifics and observe formal custom in your presence would you like to? If you could make people Kowtow to your sentiments would you like to?

I think the truth is that most would.

So why not?
-because you can't make people do it.

You don't have the *power* to compel people to defer to your sentiments and acquiesce to your desires of social custom in your presence. No one would take you seriously if you demanded it because you can't punish them for resisting.
Peasants didn't care much for manners either.

-but you know who did?

Aristocrats. Nobles. Royalty.
The Middle Ages in Europe saw literal "Wars of Honour" declared between dynastic families and they were exactly what it says on the tin.

"You're not going to use *my* pronouns? You dare insult *me* as if I were a common serf? The honour of my House cannot allow this to stand!"
That's what "being easily offended" is.

It's a demonstration of aristocratic station.

It's a means of flexing wealth and power so as not to lose face among your bourgeoise peers, of showing that you're highborn enough to waste resources being petty.
This, above all else, should gladden the Left.

-because what this reveals is that "Le Anti-SJW" sentiments are actually a form of very embryotic class consciousness. It is serfs resenting bougies for their social privileges, which is actually resentment of their wealth and power
On the other hand, what should trouble the Left is the fact that the protected groups they've long advocated for have, in truth, become Courtiers of Capital. They are petty aristocrats grasping and climbing at the heel of Banker-Thrones.

Not a new insight but troubling.
-and these groups themselves - in modern times; non-whites, non-heterosexuals, transsexuals, Jews, etc - should be most troubled because unlike true aristocrats their power and wealth is borrowed. It was given to them wholecloth by the Banker-King and can be taken away in a snap
Boyars had standing armies with which to resist the Tsar if he turned upon them. Men, lands and resources of their own... but should the protected victim categories of today cease to be useful to the Tsar what can they muster?

Just ask white men how quickly the tide turns lol
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