Admitting to my mistakes: a thread
As you may know a beware thread was made on me and I’m here to confirm this is true
Yes I know that seeing all this I knew I was being toxic and yes I knew I wasn’t accepting of opinions
Mistakes were made left and right, I still Rn seeing the callous and I lied about bettering myself because of how dark I gotten, and how I hindered people’s trust
I should have moved on from the break up and not, get so obsessive and such. This was my first big fuck up and I know there’s room for improvement, I am deeply sorry for those I’ve hurt and today I’m going to better myself, I will take everything-
From the call out and use it as advice to never let it happen again. Not to lest narcissism get the best of me and ruin both myself and my image.
You guys can block me all you want but I do not wish for my accounts I had since, since the beginning of my time on the internet to be taken down, yes I know I was toxic and narcissistic, but I at one point need a second chance for redemption
Am I trying to guilt trip in this thread? No. I am owning up to my mistakes and admitting them. And promising to myself to never let this happen again. Ever.
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