Gilbert has always been protective of Anne and he defended her in every way:

when she was around

when she wasn’t around.

without being conscious he was protecting her

and being very conscious he was protecting her as well.

let's start this thread
his first interaction with Anne was bc he saw Billy hassling her, so the first thing he did was defend Anne.

we know he loves to help people and he'd do everything to protect anyone, but since this first interaction,he'd try to protect and defend her ALWAYS in any way he can
pls don’t get me/don’t get Gilbert wrong, we all know Anne is capable to defend herself without help.

but consciously and unconsciously he's protective of her. When people is disrespectful or they make fun of her, his expressions changes. He cares about her since day 1.
when Anne whacked him over the head with the slate and Mr Phillips yelled at her, he stood up very quickly to fix what he did, but when Mr Phillips didn’t pay attention to him, he looked around and realized everyone was laughing at Anne, he didn’t like that and few episodes
later he would beat a certain someone in the face bc of that (but we’ll get there later)

when he saw Anne inside Ruby's house (ON FIRE) his expression changed very quickly and he started yelling at people to be fast because it slowed, he was worried and scared bc she was there.
then, 1x05 he noticed she wasn’t feeling okay during the spelling bee and he let her win. He didn’t even think twice about it. He’d rather lose if it would help her to feel better.

«congratulations, Anne. I should've added an E»
«she's smart. deal with it...»

'I'll give you a tip. okay?'


'i'm not your bud.'

'yeah right.'

'and if you ever hassle anne again, you'll regret it.'

he went straight to the point and warned Billy about hassle Anne again.

he cared about her SINCE DAY 1
-I think I need to sit down

-need my help with anything? anything I can do?

to the second she said she needed to sit down he put his hand on Anne's elbow while they walked together

when Jerry said he had been robbed, Gilbert asked her if she needed help w anything
Gilbert really wants Anne to be okay, he cares about her and he's worried, it shows.

He had a lot of responsibilities on his shoulders, he was alone, he had to work and he just decided to leave Avonlea, but in that moment his preoccupation was Anne.
when he was back to Avonlea and Mr Phillips "confused" Anne as a boy for her haircut and everybody started laughing, HE DIDN'T LIKE THAT AT ALL. HE WAS SO UPSET

Gilbert's expressions always changes when people laughs at her. Anne is the only person there he really cares about
this little detail right here, when Moody dropped the light bulb, his instincts were protecting her.

He didn’t even think twice about it, his body reacted and did it
he didn’t laugh at the liniment accident,instead he let go of Winnie's arm and RAN AFTER ANNE. His instincts were looking for her, make sure if she was okay and trying to cheer her up. Once again, he wouldn’t let anything happen to her.
when Moody and Tillie expressed his opinions about Anne, he jumped out. His expressions changed and he defended her.

"Hold on. Let's not forget where all this started. It started with Billy Andrews disrespecting Josie Pye"
"Anne stood up for a person who suffered a cruelty. That person could've easily been you."

Gilbert was the one who changed everyone's perspective on Anne. He knew what she did was the right thing and he wouldn’t let his classmates to think otherwise. She was right and he knew it
"Women are not made whole by men. Women are made whole the moment they enter this world. You know she'd stand up for any one of you. Even in spite of what you're saying about her, she'd do what was right. That's who she is."

He even read Anne's article to show everybody that
her words were TOTALLY right.

He wouldn’t let his classmates or ANYONE to think Anne did something wrong. He convinced them, but he also defended her, just like he did since day one...just like he'd do always.

Gilbert would do everything to defend and protect her always
sorry for the typos </3
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