Apparently Every Man's Battle has a new edition out this year--a 20th anniversary edition that they have revised.

Here's what I hope they took out (a thread):
I hope they repented of calling women "methadone-like fix when your temperature is rising"--

Women are not methadone.

Women are people. Whole people. We are not sexual receptacles, as we are called in the accompanying book Every Heart Restored.
I hope they repented of the pornographic description of the jogger in the intro--"As she approached on my left, two tiny triangles of tie-dyed fabric struggled to contain her ample bosom. My eyes feasted on this banquet of glistening flesh..."
I hope they repented of including an anecdote of Alex masturbating as his sister-in-law lay sleeping on the floor beside him--or at least that they made it clear that this isn't just merely lust and that it isn't normal. This is wrong. It injures HER.

She is the victim--not him.
I hope they clearly called the "lustful" youth group volunteer in his 30s who convinced a 15-year-old girl to have sex with him a rapist. I hope they acknowledged that just because she joked around with him did not mean she wanted sex. I hope they said he should be reported.
I hope they took out the sentence: "we find another reason for the prevalence of sexual sin among men. We got there naturally--simply by being male." I hope they stop portraying men's lust as normal, God-given, inevitable, so the only alternative is to get rid of women.
I hope they took out: "Maybe...when you & a woman reach a door simultaneously, you...let her go first, but not out of honor. Maybe you've the parking lot of a local gym..., watching scantily clad women ...fantasizing and lusting--even masturbating--in the car."
I feel like Sesame Street--one of these things is not like the other. It is not normal to masturbate in car parking lots. It is illegal.

The examples of lust they gave were HORRIFYING. Women who read this book were traumatized. Men felt like monsters.
Don't teach men to simply avoid all other women and transfer lust to their wives so that their wives can keep them from sinning. "Bouncing your eyes" because all women are dangerous is not a healing message for either gender.

Teach men to RESPECT women!
I hope they AT LEAST ONCE mentioned that men should simply respect women and treat them as whole people, rather than telling men they had to constantly bounce their eyes so they could avoid women. I hope they changed their philosophy so that women were not portrayed as dangerous.
I hope they stop telling women to have sex so he won't lust. "When men aren't getting regular sexual release, their eyes are more difficult to control. Help him out in this battle. Give him release."

In our survey of 20,000 women, this was one of the most harmful messages.
Women who believed this had libidos tank, orgasm rates tank, and sexual pain rates skyrocket.

No wonder women rated Every Man's Battle one of their top 4 harmful resources!

And we've got the results of how this book hurt Christian women's sexuality.
Our book The Great Sex Rescue (coming out in March!) is based on our survey of 20,000 women, looking at what messages so prevalent in evangelical resources like this have hurt women's libidos & orgasm rates.

Pre-order it here! 
And one more thing—I hope that they didn’t just revise the book.

I hope they publicly repented for the harm that they did. I hope there are some honest to goodness apologies.

And if there are, I would be happy to spread them around, too.
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