Reminder to Texans: take advantage of curbside voting! If you’re physically unable to enter a polling place, poll workers will bring the voting machine to your car. You do not have to show proof of disability.
If you’re driving someone for curbside voting, be prepared to go in with their ID and ask a poll worker at the desk to come out.

It might take them a few minutes to figure out what they’re doing, but it’s worth it.
The challenges are to drive-thru polling locations accessible to all voters.

Curbside voting is well-established in TX and protected by the ADA for voters “physically unable to enter the polling place without personal assistance or likelihood of injuring the voter's health.”
Poll workers don’t get to ask you for proof or specifics when it comes to your reason for being unable to physically enter the polling location.

If you can stand in line without risking your health, please do it. But if you can’t, don’t let it stop you from voting.
The safest way to vote in Texas is early, in person, walk-in (curbside for voters physically unable to enter), with an approved photo ID, at any early voting location within the county of residence listed on their voter registration.

But every TX voter needs backup voting plans.
The key to voting in Texas is to not take no for an answer.

They will tell you you’re not registered. They will tell you your name doesn’t match. They will tell you the ID you have is wrong. They’ll tell you you’re in the wrong location. They’ll tell you the polls just closed.
If you’re voting before Election Day, and you know for sure you can make it back to try again, bring paper and a pen. Ask them to tell you exactly what information/ID you need when you return. Ask for the poll worker or election judge’s name to refer to when you come back.
If you’re in line before the polling place closes, DO NOT GET OUT OF THE LINE.

Even if they tell you it’s too late.

Even if they close the doors.

Call the local news if you have to. Tell them you were there on time to vote and you’re staying until they let you vote.
If your voter status is listed at SUSPENSE, you can still vote. You’ll need to fill out a Statement of Residence or a Limited Ballot application during early voting.
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